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Youve invested in a piece or set of outdoor wood furniture, and you want to make sure it lasts for several years. Whats the best way to protect your outdoor investment from the elements? For wood and hardwood garden furniture, its a combination of keeping it under cover as much as possible, away from extremes in temperature or moisture. Discover what it takes to maintain your outdoor wood furniture through the years, allowing it to retain its strength and natural beauty.

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Most people know not to swim in the pool if its thundering or lightning out, but what about rain? Drops of water are innocent enough and people encounter them every day, whether its in the shower or from a leak in the roof. Although rain drops are technically not a threat, its not a good idea to swim in a pool during a shower – heres why. Lightening is unpredictable According to the National Lightning Safety Institute, lightnings behavior is random, which means its hard to tell when a bolt is going to strike down from the skies. Your best line of defense is prevention that entails staying indoors as often as possible during inclement weather. What is more, bolts of lightning can get some serious distance. Just because it isnt thundering near you yet, doesnt mean you are out of harms way during a storm. Avoid contact with open waters during rainstorms to reduce your chances of encountering dangerous conditions.

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11 July 2017

“Bagaimana caranya makan gajah ? Sedikit demi sedikit..” (Alex P Chandra) Saya sedang berlatih lari untuk triatlon. Target waktu saya adalah 25 menit untuk 5 km. Latihan saya agak terlambat. Back saya cedera, sehingga selama proses penyembuhan tidak boleh berlari dulu. Baru kemarin mencoba berlari. Saya berlari bersama dengan klub running 3V, gym saya di Kerobokan. Mereka sedang mempersiapkan diri buat half maraton. Sebenarnya saya tidak menyangka akan berlari bersama-sama dengan mereka yang bersiap-siap buat half marathon. Bobby, pelatih saya tidak memberitahu saya bahwa the track akan 10 kilometer yang paling pendek, dan yang bersiap half marathon akan berlari 17 km. Kalau tahu, saya tidak akan ikut mereka. I will not run that far. Saya harus memperhatikan back saya. Jangan sampai cedera lagi. Target saya cuma berlari 5 km saja.

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Whether you are looking to renovate your residential or commercial space, solid hardwood flooring is a reliable and attractive choice. Said to lend a sense of permanence to interiors, it has been a popular flooring choice for centuries. Along with tradition, below are 9 reasons solid hardwood flooring is a great choice for your project: 1. Straight-forward installation for those with experience Quality hardwood floors are specifically milled to ensure a uniform and stable fit. The choice between finished and unfinished hardwood floors is an important factor in this, of course.

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At the end of a long hard day there is nothing better than lying down on fresh bedding and crisp sheets, but how many of us have a conducive interior style in the bedroom? Its hard to design a bedroom that is stylish yet functional and calming without making it look like a soulless showhome. We all know the importance of a good nights sleep but do we realise how much the interior can impact this?

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