
Ubud Property - Land & Villas for sale & rent in Ubud, Bali



Belakangan ini beberapa tempat di Ubud lagi hangat dan sedang diperbincangkan oleh beberapa orang khususnya di sosial media. Baik itu tempat wisata, maupun tempat makan yang banyak dikunjungi karena tempatnya yang bagus untuk dijadikan lokasi foto hingga cafe dengan konsep unik dengan viewnya yang bagus. Sebut saja cafe “Green Kubu” yang berada dikawasan Tegallalang, tepatnya di Jalan Cinta, Banjar pejengaji sebelah utara Ubud, yang memiliki sensasi tersendiri untuk tempat bersantai yang unik sekaligus bisa menikmati pemandangan sawah. Keunikan tempat ini adalah tempatnya yg berada di tepi sawah dengan beralaskan rumput dan warna-warni Bean Bag + payung-payung cantik untuk bersantai yg sengaja disusun berderet di tepi sawah dengan warna-warna mencolok membuat tempat ini bener-benar terasa nyaman dan ceria.

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Somehow, kata kaya mempunyai konotasi negatif. Isu kekayaan, baru-baru saja ramai dibicarakan, diperbincangkan. Dulu, kayaknya tabu buat kita berbicara mengenai kekayaan. Yang belum kaya menganggap kekayaan bukanlah sesuatu yang perlu dikejar-kejar. Yang sudah kaya, risih mengakui dirinya kaya, dan berusaha menyembunyikan kekayaannya. Orang kaya, bahkan sering digambarkan sebagai orang yang kikir. Gober bebek adalah tokoh kartun yang kaya raya sehingga sering mandi di gudang uangnya, namun kikir, pelit melilit.Waktu saya kecil, Gober Bebek adalah salah satu tokoh kartun yang sangat populer. Orang kaya, yang sering kita lihat adalah orang yang serakah. Hidupnya ditujukan mencari uang melulu tanpa memikirkan orang lain. Karyawannya dibayar dengan gaji yang rendah, serendah-rendahnya, sementara dirinya menjadi kaya sekaya-kayanya.

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Your Action Plan is a monthly to-do list of tips straight from SUCCESS magazine—10 things you can do right now to improve yourself and your life. This month, focus on deciding who and what comes first in your life. Sort out your priorities by defining your true purpose and surrounding yourself with people who support your dreams. 1. Seek love. Your relationships are the greatest predictor of success. Take stock of the people in your life. Are you a good friend, spouse, co-worker or parent? How could you improve?

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With its abundance of wellness centers, spas and yoga studios, it’s no wonder Ubud has such a vibrant healthy, raw/vegan, and organic restaurant scene. And if you’ve been following us for some time, you’ll know that this is right up our alley! It is, in fact, one of the many reasons why we lingered around Ubud for so long. Eating vegan in Ubud is generally more for the flashpacker’s budget (especially if you want to taste everything like we did!), but we were happy to splurge because very few cities in South East Asia cater to vegans as well as Ubud does. We spent nearly three weeks in Ubud and felt that we made the rounds enough to present you with our very own guide to vegan food in Ubud. The options are seemingly endless though, and we still didn’t manage to chew through our whole wishlist. Let us know if you visit any of these restaurants and what you thought.

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To many people, ambition is kind of a mystery. The dictionary says it is “an eager desire for distinction, power or fame.” But what does that really mean? Let’s start with the word eager. All by itself, eager is kind of exciting. Kids are eager for birthday parties. They expect to be the center of attention, to get many presents, to eat too much. For that matter, I guess adults are eager for birthdays, too. (Unless, of course, they’re embarrassed that the candles on their cake outnumber their achievements.) We can be eager to see a ball game, eager to see our kids in a dance recital, eager to see an old friend, eager to shop for a new car. Eager sounds like a lot of fun!

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